
We developed this blog to provide golf course maintenance information to our members. From projects, small and large, to updates on course conditions, we want to provide as much information as possible. Although we hope this blog answers all of the pertinent questions regarding our operation, we always welcome more personalized dialogue. If you have questions beyond the information found on this blog, feel free to contact our golf course superintendent, Trevor Hedgepeth.



Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Bermuda Grass Suppression

Over the next few months, we will be actively spraying common Bermuda Grass that has moved into our desired turf areas. We have common Bermuda infestations in almost every playing surface (fairways, roughs and intermediates) with the exception of our tees and greens. Although these infestations are sporadic and not terribly bad at this point, we must maintain a vigilant herbicide program to not only keep the Bermuda in check, but also to achieve complete eradication.

Up until a few years ago, there were not many herbicide alternatives for Bermuda control in cool-season grasses. Fortunately, a herbicide called Pylex hit the market about 4 years ago. Pylex, which interferes with photosynthesis by disrupting chlorophyll production, will suppress and eventually kill Bermuda that is growing in cool season grass. The rates are extraordinarily low.... for example, in bent grass areas, we are applying Pylex at .5 ounces per acre. That is 1/2 of an ounce over 40,000+ square feet of grass. Nonetheless, this product works very well with minimal downside. The only downside is the aesthetic color of the suppressed Bermuda and surrounding bent.

As you can see in the picture above, because Pylex disrupts chlorophyll, the plant turns white once sprayed. Many times, you cannot even see the Bermuda until we have sprayed it and once the white blotches begin appearing in areas across the property, many members may wonder, "What is going on?"

We can mix another broad leaf herbicide, Turflon, with the Pylex to reduce the whitening. However, half of the battle is to accurately locate the Bermuda infestations, so on our first application, I leave the Turflon out so that the Bermuda is easily located for additional applications.

So, if you begin to notice any white patches across the property, please know that it is our Bermuda grass program kicking off for 2015.